Sunshine on Hoy (Day 814)

After a bit of a later start this morning,  my beautiful wife and I took the woofers off for their wander up the hill and we were lucky to see an owl sitting next to the car park at the bottom of the hill. It looked at us for a little while, then swept off to sit on a distant fence post. The weather for the wander was lovely.
HV was soon trundling off to work, where she will be til tomorrow, and I zoomed off to look at a job at Costa. I have worked in the house before, and I am pretty sure that I will get the job to re-lay a tiled floor which forms the base of a wet room. I suspect that the preparation was not done properly and water leaks through the tiles whenever the room is used.
From Costa, I returned home, collected the dogs and headed across to Mum and Dad's. Mum and I took the dogs along the shore at Stromness, and Hoy looked fabulous in the sunshine.
After lunch, I went to have a look at a shower screen I fitted 2 years ago, which apparently exploded yesterday. Unsurprisingly, the customer wants a new one sourced and fitted. From there I went and fixed a loo, before collecting the dogs from Mum's and heading home.
Plans to cut the grass and go for a bike ride were put on hold when the heavens opened. The rain continues.

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