Did He...or Didn't He?

Answer at the end.

Again, I got up at dawn to try to beat the heat. This time, it didn't work. 80F at 7 a.m., but with no breeze, and more humid than yesterday. Sticky, but I'm trying not to complain. It eventually got up to 94F again.

I was again out looking for pelicans, when this guy showed up in the lane. (I know it's a he...because there is NO WAY that a female bird could look this crass.) I watched for several minutes, as he picked up and dropped the fish head...trying to get it just right in his gullet. So...the question is...could he swallow it or not?

He tossed the fish head in the air,
he tossed it to and fro.
And even though the beak is big...
the simple answer is NO!

The big fish...he couldn't handle,
the big fish...he couldn't down.
And I swear I saw on his egret face...
the markings of a frown.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/76781400@N06/albums/72157684172514494    A dozen more are on my Flickr page. My two favorites were the trying-to-stay-cool blue heron, and the osprey takeoff. (A big dog arrived on the scene...putting an end to our osprey-man moment.)   

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