How many beans make . . . it worth going?

Back down at the tunnels today - the last time I went was on 3rd July, 25 days ago. I was astounded at the rate of growth of the runner beans - they'd gone mad! From almost nothing last time I picked six pounds and could have picked several more, but left those for the next visit. They were quite big, but they're meant to be stringless so we'll eat a few tonight and if they OK then we'll keep some out, give some to the neighbours and the rest will have to be frozen. They're never as good frozen, but needs must . . .

There are some peas coming on, and a few courgettes and cucumbers, but most of the carrots have been nibbled off by the voles.

I'm really not that keen on sharing the tunnel - I'm not used to working in a sea of weeds, billowing plants from other beds blocking the paths, all sorts of junk scattered around the place and hoses lying about everywhere. Once a professional, always a professional, I suppose!

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