Get me to the church on time.

Went to M & S this morning, to do the food shop. Didn't stop for a coffee, but came home via Cowbridge. I had a look in the Dog's Trust charity shop, and I saw a Radley handbag in the window, but they wanted £60 for it, so I didn't buy. I know they are expensive, but that was too expensive for my liking.  As I told you yesterday, there was another wedding in Nolton Church today, so I asked J very nicely  if he would drop me off, but he went one better, and  parked across the road, and waited for me.  I didn't push my luck by waiting for them to come out, as it was raining again, but I was happy with a shot of the two wedding cars. This afternoon, I decided to scrub the kitchen floor, with a scrubbing brush, to give it a good clean. A mop is all well & good, but it doesn't get in the grooves. That's me done for today!  We are having a chicken stir fry tonight, with strawberries and Greek yogurt for dessert, and a bottle of red wine. Sounds pretty good to me.

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