Lake Lines and Lovely Ladies.....

Walking with The Boss this arfo….
I should explain that I don’t actually “walk with The Boss”
I am either 100 feet ahead or the same behind, subject of course to the sniffatronic (copyright..patent pending) nature of the terrain…so to bark.
There  could be issues if it was ever discovered that I was “walking with anyone” in a delightful and trained manner as I could be subject to expulsion from the old and ancient order of Wheatens who frown on any hint of subjugation to our leaders and feeders.  And it’s my Irish thingie…

On that subject we met a lovely couple of ladies the other day, a lovely young one accompanied by a lovely older one, walking the footpaths of Peninsula Bay…actually close to Moose’s (Wildmoosechase) new place. They seemed to have been knocking on doors to no avail…..
Anyway I did my “Wheaten greeting and the younger one commented on my skill and grace with this manoeuvre and inquired as to my age.
‘She’s 9’ The Boss said ‘but she is also Irish’
‘Oh’ said the lovely younger one,
‘Just give her a drink and she’ll be right!   

They just don’t make religious door knocking ladies like they used to.


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