pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

honey looks like you've got some explaining to do

So happy it's finally Friday and to have the weekend to disconnect a bit. I've had a bit of a stressy week, mainly cos I've spent most of my time thinking and over-thinking the same thing. After way too many Radiohead filled evenings, I feel more and more convinced in the fact that we always have a choice to have the life we want. You choose what road you wanna go down or what route you want to pursue. And if it makes you happy, then great and if it doesn't, then stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. It may sound too simple to some, but for me, it IS simple.

I guess now it's time for me to stop rambling and to walk the talk.

This is a picture of my walk home today from the pub. Dark and rainy.
(ps. that is not the moon.)

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