Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

King of the castle

Been a bit of a Harley day today, took him out for a walk and it was freezing, still he seemed to have a good time despite the icicles on his legs!

Then took him to Pets at home as there was a photo competition. He sat beautifully until he realised he was off the lead and could go and play with the giant rabbit. Think that there were some good shots though; we can view them next week. As he had been relatively good took him for an ice cream (his favourite).

Finally spent all evening sewing him a new bed so the king has a new throne to sleep in, looks very nice even if I do say so myself! He clearly appreciated my efforts and has chosen not to sleep on it, I am sure it is because he does not want to crease it or make it smell of doggy!

Night all

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