Went to The Metrocentre shopping centre this afternoon. Timed my trip wrong though as the bus got to the local comprehensive school just as the kids turned out. Went from an almost empty bus to one bursting at the seams. Kids were quite well behaved but very noisy. Most of them stayed on all the way to the Metrocentre.

I mooched around for a while doing bits and pieces of shopping and when I felt peckish I bought myself this cheese pretzel. A couple of pretzel shops have only recently opened in the Metrocentre so I thought I would try one. I sat on a bench and ate it straight away while it was still warm. It was delicious. Felt a bit strange taking a photo of it so I only took one shot and quickly got on with eating it.

The weather today has been sunny and quite warm but it has turned quite chilly this evening. Central heating on again. Cats don't mind - they are sleeping near the warm radiators.

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