Expressive Clouds

I've been off Blip air for a bit.  First the internet went down in the cottage the very evening after a most eggsciting Blipmeet with madchickenwoman last Saturday.  I then went down with one of my usual throat virus thingies which quickly turned into a full blown chest infection which got worse and worse by the day and by Tuesday, when we arrived home I rang our Doctors' surgery and got an appointment to see a Nurse straight away (miracle).  The Nurse told me I had a high temperature and a suspected pneumonia (I had a serious bout of pneumonia over 25 years ago). She got a Doctor to see me who confirmed the temperature, lots of tapping on my back and listening to chest sounds.  He too thought it was a mild pneumonia  and put me on AB's to start immediately with the regular high doses of paracetemol.  He said that if in 48 hours there was no improvement then I would have to go to hospital for tests and x-rays.  Today the 48 hours are over and I'm at last feeling a little more like it, even  taking a photo and posting it.

Please accept my apologies for my lack of comments etc. but I have really not felt like doing anything at all for the last few days.  My bed has been my comfort, but sitting up to sleep.  I've even gone off the wine!

I'll post  a blip of the eggsciting Blipmeet soon.

Is it an elephant and dolphin I see chasing each other in those expressive clouds., or is the medication enhancing my imagination ...... hmmm?!

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