Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Red hot poker

Life is slowly getting back to normal - all of the boxes inside the house have been unpacked, it is just the boxes containing the shed contents and the garage contents that need to be unpacked.

I managed to get through all the ironing this morning and then spent some happy hours choosing new photos for old photo frames. I have hundreds many photo frames throughout the house as I love photos on display, and moving was a good reason to update some of them. The boys don't like old photos of them on display, but I think its important to have some old ones with the more recent ones.

A friend popped in to see the house and to give advice on the garden - the lawn has not just died from the lack of rain but it also looks like it has fertiliser burn as the sellers fertilised the lawn and then did not water it. Hopefully it can be resurrected with top dressing and some grass seeds but we will get advice on that as we may have to re-turf.

Funny weather today, sunshine and showers - these red hot pokers were spotted in the village (meaning our 'old' village as Oxshott does not really have a village, more of a high street with a few shops). They made a lovely show with their fiery coloured flowers.

Thank goodness for BBCiPlayer, ITV catch up and 4 On Demand as I can get to see all the TV shows I have missed over the past while - Poldark, The Handmaid's Tale, The Americans, Ripper Street....these are a few of my favourites. Just haven't got time to watch TV at the moment but I will get there...

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