Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Chocolate and hazelnut spread

Well what a wet day.  And a rather tiring and depressing one, full of talking to people to get the phone lines/internet fixed and having to go back to doing things the way you just don't do them any more.  I mean, taking your repeat prescription to the doctors' surgery for goodness sake, instead of just flashing it off online!

Also, my old gent was having a major wobble about the new drugs they gave him in hospital and had taken to his bed.  Well, I had a long afternoon with him and happily we managed to talk to his doctor and get his worries sorted.

And on days like this - which don't happen very often, I'm glad to say - there's only one thing for it: nice crunchy toast with chocolate and hazelnut spread.  It may not be haute cuisine, but it's the best!


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