
By Angelique


I just had to share this amazing sky with you.  The day had been quite cloudy and cool and as so often the sun didn't show itself until it was too late.

I was watching TV whilst Mr A was on the telephone to his .poorly Mum when I spotted this amazing sunset.  So I raced upstairs to our bedroom balcony to get a better view.

It had not been a particularly good day, having gone to the cinema to see Dunkirk, queued for a car space and paid a fortune and then to be told there were no seats left!!!

So after a wander around the harbour (well we couldn't waste the parking ticket) and mixing with everyone with a now empty Midlands, we were glad to get back to the safety of our home.  Cornwall is now in the grip of holiday season where us locals all grown and can't wait until September.

I know this isn't an abstract, but I believe that God is the best artist!

Sending hugs and love to anyone who needs it. xxxx

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