Lichen (Day 811)

The air felt heavy with imminent rain this morning as I wandered up the hill with the woofers. The long grass and heather was dripping with the remnants of overnight rain.
After a brief re-organisation of stuff in the van, I zoomed into town to get on with the shower room re-fit. The order of the day was fitting laminated wooden "wet-wall". I've always shied away from doing it, as I am not confident enough in my wood butchery skills. Today, though, I got on pretty well and had the cuts all done and the wet wall fitted before lunchtime. Just as well as I was having to do the cutting outside, and the weather was closing in.
I headed home, and after a quick lunch, took the dogs to Wasdale. The rain wasn't far away and the low cloud meant limited photo opportunities, but I quite liked the lichen on an old trailer in the scrap yard.
Back home, my plan for a lazy afternoon was spoiled by a call out to a leaky loo. I got it fixed reasonably quickly and returned home, where the afternoon got much better with the arrival of my beautiful wife from her work. It seems we have barely seen each other these past few days and it is lovely to have her home again. The dogs are delighted that the pack is re-united.

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