
By DavzoBroon

Blip Before a Fall

The thing I love about Fridays, is I finish work at 12 noon. So on such a nice day as it was today, I had all afternoon to get my blip. Had a couple of wee errands to do so at 4.00 pm I set off up the estate.

I ended up going through the woods. Now it is all my fault I have to say, that if I had worn my hiking boots all would have been well. But no, I had my other shoes on and was avoiding puddles and bits of marsh ground, all very risky stuff. Before the event happened, I took this blip of the hills with the woods on the other side of the field from where I was. Loved the way the telegraph wires were like a mini roller coaster ride looping across the field.

Then the event happened, as I walked along gingerly towards the road I encountered yet another bit of boggy ground so I tiptoed, then I swayed and then I went down face first into the mud with a few swear words ringing through the trees. Got up and looked around to make sure no one had seen me.

Couldn't believe my camera was still in my top pocket unscathed. My coat had mud up the right arm and my hands were covered in mud as well. I also have a very sore toe, think I stubbed it on a root of a tree when I went down.

It was all worthwhile to get such a nice blip. Why does it always happen to me, at least I wasn't badly hurt. The only thing hurt was my pride.

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