A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl

Matt Dawson

Attended Oatridge College's final graduation ceremony this afternoon before their 1 October merger with Elmwood, Barony and SAC to become 'Scotland's Rural University College'.

Lovely, on-site ceremony to celebrate their learners' success with celebrity speaker Matt Dawson doing a star turn as the keynote speaker. I must say he was very relaxed and entertaining, delivering a motivational and inspirational speech that had some funny moments as he recounted his challenging times as a contestant in Strictly Come Dancing. Nice touch to present him with a Scotland rugby top as his thank you gift. Let's see if he wears it..

Went last night to see Anna Karenina. An interesting production, with screenplay by Tom Stoppard. I must say I really enjoyed it. What's-her-face Knightley irritates me a bit as she always plays her characters in the same old way, but who am I to start offering film critiques..

P.S. Really rubbish shot of MD, btw

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