
By Lenore

It's my trike.....

The arguments have started,  who plays with what, who can push the other out of the way (and hit, to really get the point across). The little baby is getting a bit less like a little baby each day and easing his way to becoming a toddler - although not quite yet....   I know, each time I tell them off for pushing or hitting that there are many, many such telling's off to come.  Rob was very proud of the trike today, and to give him his due, the eldest did quite a bit of time pushing his brother around on it. 

We had a sort of busy day today.  Grandpa came over this morning and helped in the garden, which really helped get a few things done that take me ages.  Then this afternoon we picked up a new (to us) car - we're now, for the first time ever, a two car family.  

Late night, (very tired) putting flat pack furniture together, we're not a bad team when it comes to it, and it's making the new place feel a little more like home.  

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