Housewife's Choice

By christilou


Little B, you can't come out!  I bought this potted plant from Waitrose for £2.99 as it was on it's last legs.  It's been in the store entrance for a little while looking more and more sad and so I thought I'd give it a go and see if it perks up.  The French Lavender that I planted a few months ago has died a death despite me keeping it watered and it being in a mixture of shade and sun.... this one is meant for indoors but can be planted out during the Summer in full sun so I'm hopeful!  I got a few niggly jobs done today and after a dull start it's turned into a beautiful afternoon.  Little B has just body slammed into my glass console table behind the sofa in his efforts to hurtle in from the back garden to the front window..... he heard the neighbour's dog going for a walk..... I think he may be feeling a bit sore later!

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