Brazilian Donas
We bought these 'donas' in Brazil when we lived there and have carted them around with us since then - to London, Budapest and then here to Barcelona. Dona Paula, the one with the spotty dress (named after Sao Paulo because we bought her there) is the only one (touch wood) who has suffered any injuries. Just recently her arm fell off again and so today A performed surgery on her, while I did the same with a coaster we'd bought in Cairo and Helen B was doing the same to one of her much-loved earrings. Sadly, there's a piece of Dona Paula's arm missing, so we now need to think of a creative way to fix that. I fear she was injured by Dona Gisela, our current cleaning lady, who can be a bit hashy and lacking in showing any love to inanimate objects....unlike ourselves! We have a certain fondness for Dona Paula, despite her stern look, as she was the first Dona purchase.
For scale, Dona Laranja here (orange dress) stands about 18 inches high.
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