Prowling his own quiet backyard or asleep by the fire, he is still only a whisker away from the wilds.
~ Jean Burden
C got settled in at home yesterday. T made a quick early call as we drove to the train to check on her first night back home in 2 months. All seems well, she has a ride to a long awaited hairdresser appointment today. many thanks for all the well wishes and kind thoughts, keep thinking of her, she still has a way to go.
We had a program on birds and backyard plants to attract them at Garden Club yesterday. I had a request from members to bring some of my photo cards and I sold 54!
Off to painting today, I'm working on another portrait.
For the Record,
This day came in cool and cloudy with the feeling of fall creeping in. The change of season is slowly starting to show itself. Now have nights and mornings with brisker air and little bursts of glowing leaves amidst the duller, late summer green. New England is a fantastic place to experience the vivid show of intense autumn colors. I so welcome this change, this brilliance, this fireplace weather.
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