
Sunday 23rd July 2017 (1793)

A powerful and emotional service this morning with a community still in shock and grief. 

This afternoon mum and I decided to go for some fresh air to Sefton Park. Half way there we spotted a sign to another park and made a mental note to go there some time. Close to Sefton we came across a road block ... then another ... then another ... there were cars parked everywhere and we suddenly realised there was a big event on in the park! We beat a hasty retreat, although we also got ourselves tangled in roadworks. 

We decided to explore the park we'd seen on the sign, so we returned to Stadt Moers Park and went on a circuit around the fishing pond. It was a nice walk and I took a few nature photos but it wasn't a pretty park. At least we've now investigated that one and crossed it off the list. 

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