Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Sky gardening

Went up to S&B's today. TSM was fulfilling a promise made some time ago to give their rooftop terrace a makeover and we came armed with compost, plants and tools. Fortunately the rain held off and young M helped us with the work; my main roles were design and maintenance whilst TSM handled the planting. Amazing what a little re-arranging and cleaning up can do. It looked a lot better by the time we left.

S cooked a lovely lunch (including an amazing Indonesian pineapple curry) and we chewed the fat and drank coffee before heading home down the A3 via Wholefoods in Clapham for more vegan supplies. 

I am convinced that Vegans will be in the ascendant if there is ever an apocalyptic event; they will be the ones with the best stocked food cupboards. Our house is bursting with tofu, tinned beans and rice.

Am off to see the latest Planet of the Apes film with Top Gun tonight. It is allegedly very good. We watched the first two together. Helps if you like primates of course ...

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