Our little rugby tot

This blip is for you

Up around 1am
Sleep walking boy appeared in our room / transpired he had wet the bed
Sorted him out and back to bed he went
Twenty minutes later the second tag
She'd kicked her duvet off

We all went
Love going from time to time and seeing how much more confident he's getting
He was so proud to be chosen as the tag runner today
He ran solidify for five minutes giggling.

Took munchie (and Lucy) swimming
Munchie did really well with her breast stroke today

Lunch for munchie and Lucy
Wom was at a party

Took munchie wom and Lucy to the scarecrows wedding at the theatre. It was great. Ice creams on the steps after

Daddy took Lucy to get nannys house (her mummy and daddy are at a wedding)

Tea for us

Munchie must have had four big bumps in as many minutes!
She's shattered

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