The Inverness Campus resident Mute Swan family decided to take a walk around the College this evening... the outside. The cob may have led them inside, given half a chance. He had a go at his reflection in the fire doors a couple of times, as he's done on previous occasions. The poor cygnet at the back wasn't coping well with the little jaunt, and kept sitting down for a break. You could almost hear, "are we nearly there yet?" It was back to the lochans, after the loop trip.

Contrast - weird again, unfortunately. Took a couple of shots with the Olympus Trip too. It'll be while before that spool's finished, but may sneak in an extra if there's anything decent-ish... eventually.

Yashica Mat-124G : f/8 : 1/125" : 80mm : ISO100

Lens: Yashinon 80mm f/3.5
Film: Kodak Ektar 100 (Colour negative)

[Frame : 08]

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