
Coffee and pastries and swimming before heading away from Disney for a walk in Lake Louisa State Park. Now, I loved our trip there...but my girls, well, I don't think they'll be going back put it that way. It was baking hot, clammy and humid as owt and the warning signs about alligators and snakes did nothing to assuage any doubts they had about the 'wild' aspect of the 'wildlife' to be found there. We didn't see any of the aforementioned snakes or alligators but there were a lot of very large birds of prey circling overhead  and lots of lizards, dragonflies and huge butterflies in amongst the cypress swamp. We did appease the girls almost completely however by going for a pretty brilliant Italian lunch on the way home.

Headed into Disney in the evening to Animal Kingdom. We had tickets for 'Flights Of Passage' in Pandora land and as I've never seen the film 'Avatar' I didn't really know what to expect. I also knew that this ride we were going on was meant to be pretty intense and I'm not real fan of that kind of intensity to be honest.!!!!!! Unbelievably immersive. Hard to explain and I'm not even going to try but....thrillled? Yes, I was. And Pandora land at night was pretty great too. I was won over, I really was.


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