80 years anniversary

Birthday hero of the day in the blip.

This is how I remember him. My father in-law. Always having a good smile and funny wise, clever jokes. Lately having some health problems, but hey - here he goes..!

Helping my mother-in-law in kitchen in two-day-party today. She had made a lot of delicates all by herself, I think she maybe is the strongest woman in the world. A power mom. The delicates in the extra.

Very busy times during the day 50 guests today, some 20-30 coming to visit tomorrow. So the party will be continued...

Our son did visit the party after his works. Handsome young man. Did drive home for the night. 

I did collect my daughter from the railway station of Hämeenlinna in the evening, as she travelled to grandparents' for the weekend from Helsinki with her boyfriend. Some problems to find my way to the station. Crashed the big car front corner a in tiny parking place. Feeling myself so, so, so, so stupid...

Cold night coming again. Mist raising over the lakes but the time of sunset as I write (23.00pm).

Thaks you for visiting my site of smiling birthday grandpa!


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