A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's a sign

Just a sign. And a bit of wishful thinking. I expected the new term to kick off at a fair pace but I wasn't / am not prepared for this. I've started a new job and today it was described to me as being like drinking from a fire hose. It is a great description. So something is having to give and at the moment it is blip. I'm going to try to keep taking and posting a random picture of a random something or other that may or may not be tenuously linked to my day. Partly because I don't want to lose the habit completely. And partly because I think it is going to be an interesting time and I'd like to try and capture at least some of that for future looking back on. Not least in the event of less interesting periods. I expect that this will be a phase and in less frenetic times I can resume a less fleeting relationship with blip.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing. Quite the opposite in a way. I am very freaked out about the new job but completely buzzed too. It's all very good stuff, just a lot to take on board and a LOT of reading which equals little spare head space and very few spare minutes. I'm also trying hard to stick to my personal challenge of three hours of exercise a week. Which sounds so ridiculously small I am quite embarrassed at how challenging it is proving. Though combining it with staying sane seems to be helping and when I felt a panic attack coming on earlier I leapt onto my bike and headed down to the river. Far more socially acceptable way of dealing with anxiety than opening the wine at 11am...

Which brings me neatly back to the sign.

Lesley x

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