County Hall, Maidstone

A last ditch blip taken as we were coming out of Wetherspoons this evening having been there for Curry Night with friends Chris and Wendy. I've passed this building, and Sessions House Square in front many times but never really thought much about it other than its interesting juxtaposition with Maidstone Prison against which it is built.

So I had to Google it to find that it is not as old as I first thought: it is a neo-Baroque style, designed by F.W. Ruck and built between 1910-1913, with further extensions in the 1930s. That's a bit of local history that I didn't know.

After three busy days it was pleasant to have some time for other things, but not for Susan who took her mum out to Tunbridge Wells having to deal with appalling traffic in Maidstone in both directions.

I was able to go for a run then meet up with old school friend John for lunch which we do every couple of months. Good conversation and good food at the Bell pub, another place we've passed hundreds of times and not gone in. The last time was before 2003 as we went with Mum. The pub has been through several hands since then and I must say it was very good including the food and the welcome from the staff.

No alcohol was consumed at lunchtime which gave a clear head for researching and booking campsites for the trip from Vancouver to Calgary. Booked three nights at Lake Louise, three at Banff and two in Jasper. Getting ever closer now to BC, Alberta and San Marcos.

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