Blue hydrangea

Not so warm and sunny this morning and damp underfoot after some heavy rain during the night, but still pleasant enough for a walk into town. The usual bit of shopping, followed by a coffee in Reds.

On e back at the ranch we had scrambled egg on brown toast for lunch, before getting things ready for our hairdressers visit.

Ive been workin out how to use Lightroom over the last few weeks...almost finished my first book, from tthe wedding I shot at the ned of May. Did I say Ive won two prizes in the competitions run at the coffee and camera group I go class coming up, so will find out more soon :-))))

A quick pop into the garden late afternoon as the sun has come out, skies much bluer.......this lovely blueish hydrangea was mums, which I e beoight home. I was pleased to see it flowering, not quite as blue as when she bought it now, but still lovely, and now extra special for obvious reasons :-/

Weve had a light tea, a ploughmans type salad, as we are off quizzing shortly.

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