twinned with trumpton


So we awoke to a calm sunny morning; and after a leisurely breakfast we wandered off to the Middle Pier to meet Pensioner who had kindly agreed to ferry us about in the Forth in the sunshine.

Once we'd done the H&S instructions, we headed off out into a steady easterly which had us drifting out towards Inchmickery; puffins in mid channel; a seal and precious little other craft out and about bar the Inchcolm ferry and another stray yacht or two. 

We waved at some hardy souls who'd landed at Inchmickery; hung a right (I'm sure there's a technical term) and up around Inchcolm and back more or less the way we'd come. The wind strengthened and we were more across the tide / wind and slightly more bouncy than the outward leg; Tom was a little greener by the end than when we started out. 
Back for a late lunch, we pottered about and later mooched about the 'hood; watched some TDF (another gripping stage - it's been good viewing this year) and butterfly spotting on the wasteground. 
A properly decent summer's day; out adventuring.

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