
After yesterday's outing I was asked several times about the gin experience. So in between team huddle, catch ups, reading of digital papers and a lunch out with a departing colleague I described the event.

I was also asked what I named my blend. Some had thought I'd go for "The Convener" . The blip shows my choice - and the contents of my blend.

The lunch was to mark Alyson Evans' impending daperture on Friday when she leaves to become the child and wellbeing manager at the Scottish Football Association. We will mss her and her extensive knowledge and wish her well in the new and challenging tasks. I had hoped to use a picture of her and her colleague Ruth who is due to return from maternity leave she'd rely but I was not happy with the pictures.

We were also joined by Sara Crawford who is also scheduled to return to us soon. So an enjoyable break to catch up.

PS: the bottle has not been opened - yet!

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