2,000 aka MM

Well, I'm still here.

No idea how.

Addictive, yet frustrating and annoying all the same.

The last 6 months (+) have been the hardest.

I can only put this down to being in a very static routine, I feel I've run out of things to photo. This church (Stapleton, shot from Eastville Park), has probably featured in around 10 blips so far.

On the one hand I find the challenge of getting out with the camera a welcome relief from the everyday chores, whilst other days I just don't want to do it.

As someone who suffers with depression I know all the advice about getting out there, being social and active; but somedays I just don't want to do it.

So to get to this mammoth milestone for me is one hell of an achievement. For those of who I follow, I'm sure you'll have noticed that my commenting / liking is almost non-existent at the moment. It's nothing personal.

I spend my day staring at screens, and on an evening I just don't seem to have the desire to look at a monitor anymore. The more eagle eyed amongst you might notice that the SLR does not get as much use as the phone; and that the descriptions have become very very light.

Again, I apologise.

I think I need to stop the daily element, but I really like the back / forward a year button.

So on to the Oscar bit.

Firstly, thanks to my friend (Liiferz) for introducing me to blip in the first place.

Thank you to all those people who follow me, comment, star, and basically keep me sane (well relatively).

As for today. Long and tiring. Awoken to the thunder, then rain, then JJ walking downstairs and setting off the house alarm (luckily it beeps loudly before going into a full armageddon siren wailing banshee); took them to school, drove to work (well as close as I can get, with a 15 min walk at the end of it), did some work..... Back home, cooked their tea (nothing exciting), then sorting a little bit of packing, fell asleep putting JJ to bed, and finally off for a walk in the rain to find some inspiration.

Not sure I was inspired (too tired), but it will do.

Another tick in the box....

And I think that's the issue. I don't like putting ticks in boxes. I don't like following someone else's rules!

Oh, what to do.

Buy a lottery ticket and hope!

Again thanks for looking, reading, commenting and starring those entries. It does help.

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