Proud Girl

And a very proud Mummy!!
It was Miss E's end of year awards ceremony and speech day today. I remember watching her last year practically falling off her chair in anticipation of getting an award! Which was highly unlikely as she'd only been there a term. 
Today she was much more philosophical saying in the car that it would be nice to win something but we'd just have to wait and see.
There are four prizes awarded in each class: Academic achievement, Effort, Progress and Service. 
Miss E's face was an absolute picture when she heard her name called. So thrilled and proud of herself. When she got back to her seat after going up to collect her certificate she just sat beaming at it and me. It was so lovely to see.
Being clever is a very important thing to Miss E. Whilst acknowledging that she is clever we try and remind her of the importance of trying hard and always doing her best. But Miss E prefers to focus on being able to do things easily and better than other people!! So it was a dream award for her - confirmation that she is indeed the cleverest!!!!
The guest speaker was Anna Turney, a paralympic skier She told the story of training to be a snowboarder and competing, then breaking her back and deciding to become a para athlete. It was moving and very inspirational.
Before the ceremony Archie went to the groomers for a spruce up. He didn't really need much of a cut but it's always good for him to have his claws clipped and fringe trimmed. And bum washed!!!!
He came out looking like he'd been plugged into the mains. And didn't look very impressed!!  (See extras) But he smelt amazing!!
We went for a quick walk in the woods when we got home. I tried to encourage Archie to jump in ditches and roll in the mud. Anything to try and lessen his bouffant!!!
The Little Misses were thrilled as we walked under horse chestnut trees to be pelted by chewed up bits of conkers. Obviously being spat out by squirrels! It was like it was raining green spiky shards and the Little Misses were squealing with delight and collecting the bits. Brilliant!

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