It takes (at least) two ....

One cannot be a collection - it needs at least two.
In January 1977 I moved to this village knowing no-one, having only met my two staff once, a couple of months previously. I soon settled in and, on my birthday, Pamela my younger assistant gave me the small jug on the left because she knew I liked to use a milk jug and had been pleased when I found a small one. This meant I had two small jugs - my collection had started - I now have over 30! The one on the right is the latest - I bought it just last month. Many have memories attached - of people or places - but none so precious as the one from Pamela. Last week would have been her 64th birthday, but she died in August 1988 after 18 months in a coma following an attack. That jug is rarely used in case it gets broken - it lives in the china cabinet with my other treasures. 

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