
By spishy

Birthday Boy

although you wouldn't think so from that serious look.

William is 17 today and being the responsible God Mother, that I am, I got him a couple of horrible, violent shooting games for his PS3.... that's bad isn't it?    Well he did ask for them and his Mum was present at the time of the asking....  

The minute he got in from school this afternoon, the first thing he did was to rip open the parcel and get straight to the game, telling me that "this is best thing ever"... I don't think so.   I suspect that the driving lessons that his Dad has arranged might top that somehow!

I had the great fortune to be present at his birth and I cannot believe how quickly those years have flown by.... sigh!    
A bit of a syrupy cliche that, but you know what I mean don't you.

Do you know I'm so obsessed with Blip that I even have dreams about it now....  What the hell does that mean?     No nightmares about it.... yet!

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