I'd originally planned to post something different as today's entry but changed my mind after a large moth, which I've not yet been able to identify, had landed on my balcony this evening and I also spotted a female cricket trying to hide in one of the flowers on my Fuchsia. It was already starting to get dark but fortunately I (only just) still managed to photograph both my visitors.
I have also backblipped yesterday's entry and hope you'll take a look.
I've been checking the post's tracking page for the parcel with Rosie's urn on a very frequent basis. After two weeks of no change, it showed yesterday that the parcel was on its way back to the crematorium because it had not been collected at the post office, but when I'd gone there to do just that, I 'd been told that the parcel wasn't there. Unfortunately, it failed to be delivered once again but crematorium later informed me that they'd just been out to collect someone else's departed pet at that time. They would definitely collect the parcel with Rosie's urn at the postal pick-up point tomorrow though and then send it off again, this time to my place of employment.
This afternoon, the crematorium also sent me a text that they'd received a letter from the postal services. Apparently the parcel had been at the post office the entire time but it had been registered wrongly!
After my recent problems with not one, but two parcels, my boss has kindly given me permission to have all of them sent there from now on because there's always someone present to accept them, even when I'm not there.
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