The Accidental Tourist

My Dear Fellow,

It was seriously beautiful in Edinburgh today, just one of those perfect days. Going to work was such a pleasure that I took my time over it. I walked through Princes Street Gardens and over to Shandwick Place to catch the tram.

It was even lovelier coming home. The earth took on that slightly baked smell, and I could smell the flowers in Coates Crescent gardens. The weather seemed to have put everyone in a good mood and there was music coming from every direction.

All the foreign visitors seemed in great spirits and were having a terrific time. A bunch of Spanish kids grooved as they walked down the street. A busker was getting people singing along from their seats outside bars. Even the dog in my picture above was having great fun, chasing a ball around the stalls.

I suddenly felt very envious of the tourists having all this fun. Then a thought occurred to me. I could be a tourist if I wanted to.


I mean, okay, technically I live here NOW, but I'll be leaving soon. So you could think of me as a tourist who has just got a bit ahead of himself. Unfortunately I couldn't ride the ferris wheel because I had shopping but I decided to take a stroll. I even bought myself a hot dog.

I know, I know. It''s a weakness of mine. I know they are no good for me, and goodness knows what is in them, but when the weather is like this and I'm in this sort of mood, only an emulsified offal tube with a side of rat droppings will do.

So it was fun pretending to be a tourist as I blipped my way down Rose Street, shoving a hot dog in my face and not giving a damn. Perfect days don't come along often. You have to make the most of them.


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