
When I joined the canoe club I had the idea that on grand days, or days when I just needed a quick fix of outdoor action (the reservoir come Lake is a 12min drive from our house) , I could pop along to Killington* and take a boat out. So today I did.

I was unsure what to expect; the motorway marks the Western boundary and the Sedbergh turbines are clearly visible - but it turned out that didn't matter one jot.
The facilities are excellent and 10 mins after parking I was launching - I had the place completely to myself, quite common midweek apparently. Paddling out into the centre of the Lake there was enough breeze to add challenge, but combined with the water hitting the boat and the rhythm of the paddle there was no sense of life rushing past on the M6, it was simply tranquil.
I circumnavigated the Lake in just over an hour, and was home just after that. Wonderful.

*Killington is an interesting reservoir; built not for drinking water but to feed the Lancaster canal into which it used to pour 22m gallons of water a day. Now construction work is going on at the Southern end to build a community owned 30kw hydro plant. Old and new technology working together.

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