A better day (Day 803)

Waking this morning, I couldn't hear the wind which was a great change from lately. The wander up the hill with the woofers was really lovely in warm sunshine.
I got organised and headed to town to collect a couple of things before making my way to make a start on a bathroom re-fit. The customer had asked that I started with changing the basin, whilst we wait for other parts to arrive. The basin swap didn't take long and I was back home in time to head off for a walk with my beautiful wife at Aikerness. I was too warm. It was really lovely.
At home HV was soon off to work and I trundled through to a little job in Stromness, popping in to see Mum and Dad on the way home. I wrapped up the afternoon with a ride out on the bike, a nice way to end a sunny day.

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