Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Get ready for rush hour...

...faking it for Tiny Tuesday...
Looking at the info, I think I've done it the wrong way round and I should have made a real scene look like a miniaturized "set", but not to worry ;)
I had decided I wasn't going to give this challenge a miss, but then we came back from shopping just as the school buses left the carpark... It reminded me of the Sandra Bullock film "Speed". It also occurred to me that we have a tiny school bus dating from the time my friend lived in Philadelphia, and we both thought they were brilliant. The bus in the blip is emerging from the field drain Roy dug to alleviate the sogginess of the lawn last year, and I've added a zoom burst effect...
Amazing the way Blippers' minds work, eh?
Thanks evolybab for stepping in as Tiny Tuesday host this month!

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