Heligan Theatre Uber Experience!

First things first - trip into Plymouth to get my computer and AH14's SD card. We got both plus I got a Fitbit and SD card as she managed to knock the price of the latter down! She said how she could get it for less in her home store so he said we could have it at that price! Might have something to do with the fact I bought an iMac! I know!!! But a far more superior beast for photography than my old Lenovo laptop! The Fitbit? Never quite understood them until I saw AH14's and the fact it monitored my sleep was just too irresistible for me! We had planned to go from Plymouth ton  The Lost gardens of Heligan - but when I saw how big my beast was there was no way I was leaving it in the boot of my car!
The weather deteriorated on the way home so we had lunch and then made our way down - after all we were going to see a play which was to be an "immersive adventure that weaves along the beautiful paths of Heligan" so we were going to see the gardens as part of the theatre!
Well! I had been to a similar theatre performance at Cotehele but this was something else! The paths had been adorned with objects - paintings, wedding dresses, teacups and cupcakes, dancers, singers or musicians or actors at each place giving you introductions to the land of Far and the 6 stories to come! We were in the first group to be led through but took so many photographs at each spot we were actually the last people to enter into the area where the stage was! As you can see it had the backdrop of the sea! 
We sat on a wooden container at the back and proceeded to move around taking photographs for the next 2 hours! We had stories of a mermaid, witches, angels, a biker princess, a selfie queen and a gift from the sea! The Moon was worshipped between each play and acted as narrator with the fairy King and the singing, dancing, music and acting were superb! One actress in particular was a comic genius with the most mobile and expressive face! 
At the interval we had a drink and the sweetest popcorn ever and ate the sandwiches and cake we had bought before entering - the street food was not to our liking disappointingly! 
After the drive home when police cars and an ambulance zoomed past us most worryingly, we looked at our photos ( the most I have ever taken in a single day and no way is a Flickr album being made anytime soon! Can you imagine the stress I had selecting what to blip?!!!!) and  we got lost in time doing this, so at 3am decided to have our breakfast! Pancakes, poached egg and garlic mash! I thought this way we could sleep in and not be woken by hunger pangs! So bed at 4 am!!! 
Another very enjoyable day and the excitement of setting up my new computer when we finally woke!! 

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