Because this is who I am

By Brighde


As you can see, its slowing going. And no I couldn't wait.

Maybe some of you know, I did the photography for my school for the Award Ceremony for the year that's just left. Lovingly I was given this, which you can imagine how overwhelmed I was. Granted I didn't get paid but I felt the pictures were rubbish- I blame the lighting.
Non the less, as my mum would say, its experience. After eating one of these my mouth is now a desert and I need les liquid.

On a new note, I'm ready 'Revolutionary Road', I've seen the film which was WEIRD like majorly. But my english teacher says to go forth and read it for my A-Levels. I've read the first paragraph and things are could so far. Even though I know the truth.

Merci, Happy blipping.

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