The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

With a big 'D'

14C with complete cloud cover and light rain.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk just after 11am today in what looked like a break in the rain. The BBC web forecast for Carnoustie agreed, with the single rain drop accompanied by the sun symbol for late morning. We met a couple with a Cocker Spaniel on the road up to the old church, then a woman with a Wiemaraner. No one was in the field with the bridle path, so Maeve could get off her lead and pad along after me as I walked down one of the stubble free ruts where the tractors and machines had gone.

The rope that was tied round the gate to the little sheep field between the cycle path and the railway line was lying on the ground today. I picked it up and tied it round the metal closure after Maeve and I had gone through. The sheep were closer to the gate today, and one or two kept an eye on Maeve as we walked to the level crossing gate. Other than that they don't seem to mind us walking through their field.

The tide was really far out giving us the whole width of the beach to walk on. Nice damp hard sand today after early rain. I don't think I have seen the tide out further. I could see the full extent of the rocks that run all along the shore here in a wide band. It has to be a hundred yards or more from the bottom of the beach to the end of the rocks in places. It emphasised the channel through which the fishing boats go in and out and the value of the channel marker posts. Perhaps if there hadn't been a channel through the rocks Westhaven might not have existed until Carnoustie grew and spread along the shoreline.

I collected a load of Sea Glass today, but saw no coloured pottery. I hadn't meant to collect today but I just kept seeing pieces. We had a walk round at the Fishermen's huts and I noticed that the recently restored tractor has now been given an identity and its new white lettering gave me today's blip. No one was at the huts and all the doors were closed.

Maeve and I went back down onto the beach and walked along that way again towards the car park, and as we did spots of rain began to appear on the stones and the sand. Thankfully not too heavy and we didn't get too wet before we got home, although the rain got heavier in the last quarter mile or so.

Later Apothecary7 has a meeting after work so I shall either dine alone, or in the company of Maeve if she thinks she might get something from my plate :-)

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