
By Hillyblips

Winging It!

'Did you get that. DID you GET THAT?!' an excited squeal.....
I turned round as best I could sitting in an inch of mud on the riverbank to face a couple standing well out of the way behind me . My face must have said a thousand words..'Eer not really I was changing the battery on the camera!' I had only been able to wing it hoping that in those seconds I had caught at least something!

All hell had broken loose! Three swans had flown in, followed in hot pursuit by a massive male swan .......towards me.....and they only just ....stopped! He was really not happy. All prior to this had been tranquility and loveliness and I'd been snapping happily at the ducks and Great Crested Grebe which was doing a spot of fishing! I was right on the edge of the water in mud, had a lens on a tripod, a spare just put down behind on a rock along with battery and was in the process of changing both.

There ensued a massive fight and I had nowhere to go with all my paraphernalia so held my ground. One frightened swan decided to hide behind me for protection and kindly put me in the spotlight! I could see all my gear and me disappearing before my eyes at this point! However no harm done and the male did calm down a bit for a while then decided to chase one back up the river.

A slight adrenalin rush on this blip!

MUST be viewed LARGE especially the swans

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