Stopping the traffic

Slept really well last night.....another lovely sunny day, a warm 25degrees this afternoon, but with a lovely breeze.

We went shopping this,morning to Lidl, bumped into daughter too! Once home, we had lunch in the garden, then decided on a walk along the canal bank as it was too nice to stay home.

Hubs foot isnt too bad, I have a sore heel (my own fault, pulled at some hard skin and its gone too deep :-( so both of us were a bit hobbly today, but we managed ;-) On our way back to the car one of the canal boats that had caught up with us, stopped besides the road bridge, and had to raise it......which we havent ever seen in motion before, in all the years we've been walking this route. It meant the traffic had to stop, whilst th. ridge lifted up so that the narrow boat could sail through.

We then went to a local garden centre to get so e small bedding plants for Emily, who,is stayin with us overnight tomorrow. Daughter had told us that she has painted her wendy house in the garden and that emily wanted to,plant some flowers in her little window we are going to do that tomorrow with her. We treated ourselves to a coffee at the garden centre too, before heading home.

As we pulled onto our driveway, our neighbours on either side were all,busy in their gardens, Dave trimming the hedge between us and them, Sean mowing his lawn. Hub gave them both a cucumber each and I nipped inside and for a couple of slices of cake, cant eat it all ourselves!!!

I set about watering and feeding the baskets and tubs, then hub informed me that he had asked Sean if he wanted to pop round for a beer....his wife was at work ;-) We had a lovely hour sat on our decking chatting......his wife called to,say she was on her way home but traffic was bad! Another hour passed and she called again, saying where are you......Im nextdoor, where are you? Im at home, getting changed......he persuaded her to come round for a G&T. In the end we had a lovely couple of hours was 8.15 by the time they left, none of us had had dinner.....but sometimes these impromptu get togethers turn out to be the best kind ;-))

Our steak dinner turned into a steak and onion sandwich, which we enjoyed just as much.

Hub is currently cathcing up on the first episode of the latest GoTs......Ive not followed it!

I must call the camera shop tomorrow, I still haven't had an email or quote regarding my camera...its been almost two weeks now :-(

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