probably definately

By chole33


Well, here I am. I made it. A day early too, must have been leap year. I realized halfway through back-blipping to finally catch up from my computer crash and vacation that today was to be my blip-day...and here I was sitting on a quick shot from my phone at a tree rather than a landscape shot I was hoping for. I thought briefly of cheating and posting a photo tomorrow before posting today, and decided that that wasn't in the spirit of making the full 365. So, off to create a better photo.

This whole adventure started as a 'photo to represent the day' and while I stayed as true to that as I could, it also became a platform that inspired and forced me to try different things. I was motivated to flip the camera to manual and try it out. I dove into the world of post-processing. I was inspired to try new styles I saw perfected by other members of the blip community (to varying degrees of success).

What's next? Well, to paraphrase a quote i saw yesterday 'the beauty of practice is that it can be extended forever'. While I'm not sure about forever, for now it is onward and (hopefully) upward.

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