Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Even more butter

J went off this morning to a meeting of the local credit union board she is on. I went out to do some messages and came back to find Kilda had taken a pack of butter off the counter and eaten half of it. Little sod. Did a run to the tip with stuff and took Kilda for a run on Portie beach. Could tell she wasn’t feeling good as she didn’t run after her ball. Stopped off at Aldi to get her some water and some more butter for me. Came back to the car to find that Kilda had been sick on the back seats. Why couldn’t she have done it on the beach. Spent the afternoon moving the rubble off the veg patch onto the patio ready to go into the hole as the foundations for the new slabs. Took Kilda for a run at Cammo in the drizzle. This week’s theme is raindrops so here are some raindrops on a buttercup. Thought it was very fitting after this morning. Went out for dinner at Pomegranate with the Cani sport lot. Nice food and company before heading home to watch the GP.

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