Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Okanagan Parkrun

We started the day with another Canadian parkrun today. This was the first one in Canada which started just over a year ago, and we met the guy behind it who was fantastic. In fact everyone we met at parkrun today was lovely. Olivia didn't want to run and asked if she could volunteer so I contacted the organisers earlier in the week and they were delighted to have her as the official photographer! Bill gave her an iPad when we arrived and off she went. She actually took some great shots. Admittedly there were a lot of dog photos as several were participating in the run!
Dex wanted to run to see if he could beat his time from last week. He did, but he found it really tough as it was sooo hot - 30+ degrees at 9am and no shade. Hubby ran with him and gave him water but he was still unhappy with his time as he wants to be as fast as Mama. I wanted to stretch my legs today and inject a bit of pace as I haven't done anything quick for a while. However, i don't think it'll be too long before Dex is hot on my heels!

We treated the kids to breakfast at Tim Hortons afterwards - their new favourite place, and the rest of the day was spent chilling by the pool and then snoozing in the apartment.
We've got an early start tomorrow as we begin the final leg of our Canadian holiday. It will be sad to leave Kelowna as it really is a lovely place, but we're excited to see our friends.

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