Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Lunch Break

As always here, the Ospreys perform several daily airshows over the campground.  We were out walking with Piper when we saw this male fly up from the lake with a fish and land atop a power pole not far from a nest with a female in it.   I think she expected a fish delivery and he wanted to keep it for himself. They were squawking back and forth for a long time before he finally relented.  I couldn't see if there were babies in the nest but I think there must be by now.  There are several active nests all around the lake.  The first one of the babies from the nest near my house fledged today at 56 days old.  I'm sure the other two are close behind.  Check out the OspreyCam to see how big they are! I'm a little sad that I'm not there to see them in person but I'm sure they'll all be flying by the time we get home next weekend. 

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