Thursday - another long workday

I woke up with swollen itchy eyes!! Dammit!! A proper reaction to the lash treatment yesterday. I never had problems before!!! But this is not nice.
Vision is blurred because the eyes are watering! Great for working in front of a computer screen!!!!
Despite the eye problem, I was working hard and fast today. I had the idea of getting to a point where I could take it easy tomorrow - Friday and finish early.
I have to admit that I do not make it easy for myself in general. I just want to have things done and thus work too much. I need to get in a more relaxed state again and lean to leave things at some point, because I will never be ready. But on the other hand I like being on top of things, because it just needs one unexpected escalation to mess everything up again.
I did get out later in the evening and stocked up berries and cream - my standard dinner these days. Neil not being around does not help to get me motivated to cook for myself.
I also got eyedrops to soothe my eyes and help with the itch. I could scratch my eyes out!!!! 

I was quite happy with my work achievement and Friday might be a short day!

Blip is a view over river Kelvin. Loved the sky and the different shades of green.

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