Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Living Alone

I've wanted to talk about my experience about living alone for so long now, but due to the nature of 'alone' I was hesitant. 

Now when I say alone. I don't mean I live in student halls and I have my own room and I'm a social recluse. What I mean is, I have my own flat with all my own things, on my own. No one else. And let me tell you, what a rollercoaster it has been. 

Firstly I would like to begin by saying never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could ever live by myself. Like, the fact it even crossed my mind to begin with still astounds me. My sister who is 30 cant spend an hour on her own in the house let alone 24/7. So that alone is a huge achievement. 

So, lets get down to what you all might be thinking.

Don't you get lonely?

Short answer is no. Don't get me wrong there is for sure times in the beginning that I wouldn't speak to another human being for 2 days and I would go insane or when I did leave the house I couldn't stop talking because I felt like I just had so much to say. But being alone really makes you think about yourself and honestly it's been the best therapy. Relying on only your thoughts is terrifying and sort of comforting that well, you've always got yourself. Plus it makes you appreciate people more and who you spend time with. 

Aren't you scared?

My friends ask me this all the time and the way I think about it is, I'm not alone. I live in the middle of a city centre with 14 (I have no idea) other flats around me. If something was to go horribly wrong, they would be there. Honestly there isn't a moment when I can't hear something or someone. Maybe its the fans of the building next door, or upstairs walking about or doing their hoovering, or even the restaurant next door emptying their glasses into the bin. There's always someone near me. I may not know them but to know that even if you're alone or scared, life around me is continuing just like it always has and always will. 

Top and bottom of it is, living alone is one of the best things I have ever ever done and if you ever get a chance to do it, I cannot recomend enough. I have learnt so much more about myself and how I work, and I feel like I've grown massively. 

Now, back to the packing. Also the picture is my work I presented in New Designers in London. Follow my art insta to see more @beepottery

Happy Blipping.

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